dweam journal ₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊

.october 20 im under the instruction of a sadistic, omnipotent director instructing my movements. im walking up one of sheffields many hills and it doesnt feel like im in control of my body. im looking at this blue road sign. not too sure what it meant seeing as i cant drive. my eyesight keeps switching from eyesight to camera footage and glitching. im trying to take a photo of the moon above the skyline but my legs dont work and i keep shifting position haphazardly.

.october 18 im chopping spruninons from the pov of the sprunion. im crying but ive never cried cutting a sprunion before. the washing machine and the fan are making a cumulative white noise which is irking my little sprunion mind. it keeps flash cutting scenes of an open field and a first person perspective of someone running. these parts of the dream are in sepia. i wonder if these are the memories of the sprunion i am killing. i wonder if thats why im crying. then im on a tram but im jeff goldblum from asteroid city, and im holding my little orb under one arm and the crossword in the other, pen in mouth, furrow in brow. this old lady sat opposite is wearing a pea green coat and she keeps trying to interject. jeff feels like hes having a breakdown but he cant act out in the tram.

.october 9 this is evil but i stole someones t gel from high school to culture my moustache,, written in my notes as,, 'stole bhannahe el malalais t gel for my moiisyacje'.

.september 27 a search for the largest diy dildo in the house? idk man my subconscious is a freak apparently.

.september 14 me and white boobs (revered highscool friend) are on the same bus to KL. there were welsh ppl behind us on the bus singing welsh songs, such as the hit single aderyn melyn and gafr wen. i was watching adventure time on the bus but it was horribly cut. interestingly this dream was a sleep paralysis dream. i was desperately trying to move my arms and couldnt. maybe i was trying to applaud in patriotic style.

.september 12 on my holibobs and i literally bump into everyone i know at the bar. the levels are insane its like a huge spiderweb mall. i bump into ed whilst traversing this rope bridge over a swimming pool and im literally so nervy. i think im looking for sara and im like knocking the door for her, let me in.

.september 11 im late for my english exam, schedueled to start at 21.32. merts in my house and throws a tshirt down the stairs. its adams birthday (i dont think i know this guy so idk why they're so pressed). im so late so i have to get an uber to the docks for my exam. mr gorilla (my old maths teacher) is calling me telling me to move with haste.

.september 7 thinking about the implications of settler colonialism.

.september 6 some level of conflict resolution (terrifying) is commited at my house with the boys. they eat all my food and i think im mad about it. we go to a party and another old friend, who would definitely bully me if we replayed our adolescence, are dancing. adam cameron is in the band doing adlibs and wearing a bright blue baby suit. the scene changes and we are sat in our current living room of dwellbeing. an indescribable fear settles in me. the mailman comes and piotr opens the door slightly ajar, takes the parcel from him and throws it out, believing it to be a bomb. unlikely.

.september 5 i couldnt sleep very well. my good cousin chlo3 calls me up and asks to do something. we go camping with my nain and brother. im particularly paranoid about south american folklore. change scene to walking through my old home town, and i walk past an old friend. they are wearing an old skirt. i wait til i get to the previously chinese buffet turned dreadful nightclub and ask mother to pick me up.

.september 4 i got kicked off of said tropical island due to excessive wetness (of weather).

.june 21 a dream solely about ice coffee, spinning around in promotional form. being isolated non-dream on a small tropical island, i think i was having cravings.

.june 16 my typically pink, now goth stage friend are in a seaside town which almost drowns.

.june 5 i was bouldering with charli xcx. we had a conversation about what the smallest dick in the world would be.

.june 4 a recurring heist/kill dream in a more urbanised hunger games style. me and my irl golden retriever friend are in a team and are hitching in a car, when the road gets bombed. we escape to the lakes.